Who is the Touch Tree digital magazine platform for?

Our clients are typically small to medium publishers, who still publish print editions of their media from PDF formats.

How much work is involved to create my digital magazine platform?

Very little! We use your already produced PDF’s to create a complete digital platform with your content optimised for reading on mobile devices, word for word indexing for enhanced search and integrated text to speech for a great user experience.

Is Touch Tree an App?

No. Touch Tree in an online digital magazine platform that is accessed from any mobile or desktop browser. Users do not need to download an App. Unlike App stores this means any revenue generated is kept by the publisher along with all the data.

How is Touch Tree different other online PDF page turners?

Touch Tree delivers the best in class user experience whatever device is used to access your content and combines that with a complete marketing campaign tool kit to help you deliver content to your readers and prospects.

How long would it take to build my digital magazine platform?

Typically it will take 2 weeks to build your platform, but this can depend on the size of the archive you wish to include. If your archive is over 48 editions it can take up to 3 weeks to process and quality check.

How do you charge for this digital magazine platform?

Our fees are split between upfront costs to cover the initial build and processing of your back issue catalogue and then a fixed monthly retainer to cover hosting and processing of future editions. Price is dictated by publishing frequency & pagination. To get a quote click here

Can I customise my digital magazine platform?

The Touch Tree digital magazine platform is a complete white label service, everything is customised to your corporate identity, from logos to colours & URL.

How big is the archive that I can build on Touch Tree?

There are no limits on the size of the archive that you can include on the platform, except perhaps budget. But archives can be built up in stages to make any costs easier.

How do I manage access to my digital magazine platform?

There are multiple ways to securely grant access to the platform. For example you can upload user datasets or API to your own subscription software. You can also use the marketing campaign toolkit to create secure access points from article level upwards to find new readers and fans.

What options do you support for advertising?

The platform can hosting dynamic banner ads and video. The dynamic banner ads can be linked to your marketing campaigns.

Would you like to learn more?

Contact us today for a full demo

Collaborating with Touch Tree Technology has allowed LDL Magazine to implement a new digital strategy that will allow us to expand our subscriber base through a simple to navigate library archive that Touch Tree Technology has built. Touch Tree Technology has been more than a tech company. They have delivered consistent communications and results that makes it feel like LDL Magazine has a partnership that cares about our mission and growth.

Le'Marqunita Lowe

Publisher - LDL Magazine

Since MagCirc have been working with Touch Tree they have quickly become the best digital provider for our clients with an amazing looking and easy to navigate platform for phones, tablets and PC’s. Working with their team across MagCirc’s portfolio has been seamless and very professional and I look forward to introducing the Digital platform and Touch Tree Media to many other publishers in the future.

Neil Selby

Managing Director - MagCirc

Being able to offer this service to local publishers in South Africa over and above our current digital offering is a game changer. Touchtree has helped us to open up the market and assist smaller publishers in creating a digital strategy to not only to sell more print but also to build up their fan base. The Touchtree platform is a fantastic product, but the client support afterwards is what our publisher clients appreciate even more.

John Owens

Managing Director - Owens Media Tech

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